
The Revolutionary Crucible Firebox

The Inside Story
The insulating and radiant heating qualities of ceramics create the perfect environment for cooking and smoking all types of food. But with charcoal burning at upwards of 2,000° F the inner firebox takes a beating producing a rampant amount of breakage in most brands. Staying true to Saffire’s history of ingenuity, we are proud to introduce the most advanced, versatile and durable kamado firebox available.

Platinum Crucible Firebox Shown; Click to Enlarge

Saffire’s patent-pending Crucible Kamado Firebox provides all these revolutionary benefits, for the very best charcoal grilling and smoking experience.

  • Rated up to 2,700°F (1,000° Higher than Any Other Kamado Firebox!)
  • Eliminates Structural Failure (See Images from Multiple Brands)
  • Huge Ash Capacity
  • Faster Starting with Larger Grate Area
  • Easy Ash Cleaning with Double-Sized Grate Area
  • Easily Remove Charcoal with Stainless Basket Grate*
  • Quick Ash Removal with Industry’s Largest Lift-Out Ash Pan*

(Included in Large and XL Saffire Models Only)

The Best Design for Kamado Firebox Durability!

  1. Saffire’s 12-brick design greatly relieves thermal stress, eliminating firebox breakage.
  2. Our bricks are rated 1,000° higher than traditional ceramic.
  3. The outer Shell is made of Aluminized Steel
    (High thermal and corrosion resistance)
  4. Even if a brick should crack, it doesn’t matter!
    (The shell holds them tightly in place and also prevents any air leakage. In any case, individual bricks can be easily replaced.)
Saffire's patented firebox comes with these features: removable stainless steel charcoal basket (with removable divider), aluminized steel housing a firebrick liner, insulating air gaps for efficiency, and a huge lift-out ash pan
Platinum Crucible Firebox Shown; Click to Enlarge

New Enlarged Kamado Firebox Shape = More Benefits

  • More Charcoal Capacity for longer cook times.
  • Huge Ash Capacity for far less cleaning.
  • Double the Grate Area of other kamado grills!
  • Air space between brick and shell provides insulation for less charcoal use and longer burn.
A charcoal basket for holding charcoal; allows you to easily drop the ash into the ash pan with a few shakes; comes with a removable divider
Included with Platinum Crucible Firebox

304 Stainless Steel Charcoal Basket

*(Included with the Platinum Crucible Firebox Only)

  • Easily remove the charcoal from your grill
  • Removable kamado firebox divider – holds charcoal to one side.

Saffire’s Double Size Grate Area Gives You:

  • Faster starting a large bed of coals for grilling.
    Air now flows to entire bed of charcoal.
  • Quick Shake to release ash into the pan.
    No more tedious raking of ash down through a fire grate.
    (Typical bowl shape and small grate of others greatly restricts the flow of ash down to the bottom of the grill)

Huge Lift-Out Ash Pan

*(Included with the Platinum Crucible Only)

  • Enormous size holds ash from several fires.
    (A small ash pan needs to be cleaned out virtually every time you cook)
  • Insulating air gap under Pan provides even more efficiency and safer temperatures on bottom.
  • Quick and easy to lift out and dump the ash. No more digging ash out through the air control!
Saffire's lift-out ash pan has a huge 12.5 inch diameter and a 3 inch height
Included with Platinum Crucible Kamado Firebox; Click to Enlarge
Saffire's bronze Crucible Kamado Firebox. Includes aluminized steel sheel, lined within using refractory firebrick. Also includes a firegrate for holding charcoal.
Bronze Crucible Firebox Shown; Click to Enlarge

New Bronze Series
Crucible Kamado Firebox

Same Long Lasting Durability.

Large Cast-Iron Fire Grate for easy ash cleaning.

Huge Ash Area, requiring less cleaning.

Lower Price.

(Upgrading to a Charcoal Basket and Ash Pan Later, Replacing the Cast-Iron Fire Grate, is Optional.)

The Best Firebox, for the Best Kamado!

Want a Crucible for a Different Brand?

Check out this guide to see if your third-party kamado has enough room inside!

Order it Here

The Crucible Saves You from This...

(Miscellaneous brands)