A man is grilling in his backyard on a Saffire.

Dealer Signup Form

Signup Form

Instructions: Please make sure to fill out all required fields (fields marked with *), that no fields are red, that the passwords you enter match, and that you answer the User Validation question. If the Sign Up button is gray, please go back over the form to make sure everything looks right. Upon sucessful submission you should see a notice above the form that thanks you for your submission.

Primary Contact for Saffire Sales

You personal number for us to contact you.

Only required if you live outside the US.

Business Info for Dealer Locater

Your business number for customers to use (if different than your contact phone number entered above).

Only required if you live outside the US, and if your business uses a different country code than you entered above.

Dealership Info

Saffire Dealers: Please attach a photo of your Saffire display. If you don't have a Saffire display, attach a copy of your last Saffire Grill invoice.
New Dealers: Please attach a photo of your current showroom/display area.

I.e., representative's name, distributor's name, "Saffire Direct" or "NA".

I own/control multiple dealer locations I want associated with my Dealer account
Account Credentials
User Validation
Legal Agreement

I have read and agree to the terms of the Dealer Agreement, and I acknowledge that my information may be used to contact me using a mass-emailing service (such as Constant Contact).